1. The phone rings. Who do you want it to be? My answer would have to be either one of my kids, or Andrew.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Yes, always.
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? I guess this would depend on how I was feeling about myself at the time. I've been in situations where I feel very confident and I am a talker. Other times I do a lot of listening and tend to blend in with the surroundings.
4. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive? Yes. I grew up doing enough camping that I think I could take care of myself quite well...at least for a while.
5. Do you like to ride horses? I love to ride horses. I have quite a bit on and off throughout my life. Even had a horse for a time growing up. I haven't ridden for a few years but I really want to again.
6. Did you ever go to camp as a kid? Nope. I probably would have been way too homesick to survive that!
7. What was your favorite board game as a kid? I remember playing Sorry and Monopoly as a kid. I liked them, but I remember enjoying playing with Fisher-Price Little People a lot more.
8. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was taken what would you do? Eeeww! I'm REALLY not into he/she's!
9. Are you judgemental? Hello??? I'm gay. Duh.
10. Would you date someone with different religious beliefs? Well, since religion plays very little or no part in my life, I guess I wouldn't have a problem with it.
11. Are you continuing your education? If I ever get throo Hookt On Fonics, I mite go to collej!
12. Do you know how to shoot a gun? Do the B.B. guns at the fair count? Oh, wait, either way, no.
13. If your house was on fire, what's the first thing you'd grab? Well, since the question is "thing" and not "who", I would have to say my car keys and cell phone. I didn't say the dog because he always knocks me down getting out the door anyway!
14. How often do you read books? Not often enough. The last book I read was The Confession by James McGreevey. I love reading books. I should take more time to do it.
15. Do you think more about the past, present or future? I'm a dreamer. I guess I think more about the future.
16. What is your favorite children's book? I always loved reading "Green Eggs and Ham" to the kids when they were little. I always read it in funny voices that made them giggle.
17. How tall are you? 6'2" and shrinking.
18. Where is your ideal house located? Some place warm all year. I love southern California.
19. Last person you talked to? Andrew, when he called me from Seattle about 3 hours ago.
20. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden? Gosh, it's probably been a year and a half. I took the kids there for dinner one evening.
21. What are the keys on your keychain for? My car, 3 for the house and 1 for my parents' house.
22. What did you do last night? Came home from work, made some dinner, installed XM radio in my car, read blogs and watched T.V. Boring evening.
23. Where is your current pain at? My heart. Andrew is still in Seattle and won't be home till late tomorrow night.
24. Do you like mustard? Yes. Always on my burger.
25. Do you like your Mom and Dad? I love them both very much.
26. How long does it take you in the shower? Usually about 10 minutes. If I'm cold or tired I might spend 15-20 minutes showering.
27. What movie do you want to see right now? I was just saying to Andrew a few days ago that I'd really like to see "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" again. I love the soundtrack. In fact, as soon as I finish this, I'm going to watch it.
28. Do you put lotion on your dog or cats? "Cats"? I'd never have a cat....but why would ANYONE ever put lotion on their dog or cat??? weird!
29. What will you do for New Year's? Make a resolution that I'll stick to for 10 minutes and then watch the Times Square countdown on T.V. (Probably sans Dick Clark this year. That will be weird)
30. Do you think The Grudge was scary? Didn't see it. I hate stupid horror flicks.
31. Do you own a camera phone? Yes, but it takes shitty pictures.
32. What's the first letter of your middle name? I. figure THAT one out. No one ever guesses it.
33. Who did you vote for on American Idol? Chris Daughtry until he got voted off, then I kinda lost interest and didn't vote anymore.
34. How many hours of sleep do you get at night? usually about 6-7.
35. Do you like Care Bears? Jesus, who wrote these, and WTF are Care Bears?
36. Do you know how to play poker? I have to be taught each time I sit down to play, so I guess I'd have to say no.
37. Do you wear your seat belt? Religiously. Oh, THERE'S a religion I do follow. :-)
38. What do you sleep in? Usually a T-shirt and underwear in the winter and just underwear or nothing in the summer.
39. Anything big ever happen in your hometown? Yeah, lots of stuff. Well, big for this town, anyway.
40. Is your tongue pierced? No, I don't think I'd like it. Although I do find it rather sexy on other guys.
41. Who is the funniest person you know? Probably Andrew. He always makes me laugh.
42. Do you like funny or serious people better? Funny, of course.
43. Did you eat a cookie today? Yes. Someone brought homemade Christmas cookies to work today. I felt obligated. :-)
44. Do you use cuss words in other languages? Nope. I use cuss words when I WANT others to know what I'm saying.
45. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads? Ummm...I've never paid for a music download. That's all I'll say.
46. When was the last time you said "I love you" and meant it? About 3 hours ago when Andrew called home from Seattle.
47. Is your cell phone usually on Vibrate or ring? Usually on ring unless I'm at work, then it's on vib.
48. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope. I have everything I need right here at home. (Well, he's away right now, but he'll be home tomorrow!)