I've been to see Margaret in her past four tours. Starting with "I'm The One That I Want". ITOTIW was also hilarious. I don't think I stopped laughing through the entire 2 hour show. It was 2001 and the decision to see that show was made fairly last minute and shows within driving distance of Iowa were already sold out or dates had past. So, we got tickets to Austin, Texas and her show there. The most awesome part was that not only did we get tickets to her show, but just for asking, we got passes to meet Margaret after the show as well.
Fast forward a couple of years and she announced another tour. "Notorious C.H.O." This time we got tickets to her Chicago performance and backstage passes, once again, just for asking to meet her after the show. Both times she was very sweet and seemed genuinely interested in talking with us. Sad to say however, but Notorious C.H.O. was not as funny as her first tour. We were certainly entertained but we just didn't feel like it was as funny.
Here we are with Margaret after the show in 2003.
Then in 2004 Margaret began her "Revolution" tour. Again, we got tickets right away to her Chicago performance. This time we had seats so close to the stage that we could see all of her priceless facial expressions that make her show so funny without having to watch the video screens. This time we left the show actually disappointed. Her shtick seemed overly rehearsed and really not funny. I thought she had possibly reached the end of her career as a comedian and that this might be her last tour. She seemed to have run out of funny material. So, this year when her "Beautiful" tour was announced, I really struggled with ordering tickets. I did anyway, hoping that Margaret had had enough time between tours to come up with some funny new stuff. And, boy did she ever! Just as raunchy and no-limits as before, maybe even more.
We left the theater on Saturday night very pleased that we went.
Check out Margaret's web site for her upcoming dates for "Beautiful". If she is scheduled anywhere near your area, by all means go! You won't be sorry.
As a special treat, Liam Sullivan of "Kelly" fame was the opening act. He treated us to a song by "Cousin Susan" and a couple of videos as well as two songs by "Kelly" live. What a hoot.
I'd still follow her anywhere, if just to hear her talk about her parents' book store and her mom being in charge of the gay porn section.
Glad y'all had a good time. And cute picture. :)
me likey m.cho. she's the one that i want.
love her - but agree - sometimes a lil' overly rehearsed.. but she's earned the cred.
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