I'm not really sure what his fascination for this thing is. Apparently his Mom had one as he was growing up.
For me, a plain old box grater works just great and when you're finished with it you just toss it into the dishwasher. No mess, no fussing with taking it all apart just to clean it. Plus, by the time you take this thing out of the cupboard, search through the utensil drawer for the correct blade, assemble all the parts, plug it in, cut the cheese into blocks small enough to fit into the hopper, then begin grating the cheese, I could have the cheese all grated and the box grater into the dishwasher. Job done.
about two years ago he decided life without one of these electric chopper/grater things like his Mom has would just not be worth living. So, he searched eBay until he found it. Exactly like his Mom's. Circa 1972. Oh my God, it was even in it's original box! (Proof that no one actually uses these things.) Fast forward about 6 days and it had come home and had it's own special place in one of our lower kitchen cabinets.
Last night we made tacos for dinner. What do you usually have with tacos? Grated cheese. I chopped the tomatos, (he actually let me use one of the new Wustof knives I got him for Christmas. nice!) and got the grater out of the drawer and began grating the cheese. He turned from the stove where he was frying the hamburger and saw what I was doing and said, "you just will not use the Moulinex, will you?" Huh? Truthfully, it never even crossed my mind.
Now, I like my modern conveniences probably more than most other people I know. If there is a gadget that makes a task easier and more fun, I'm all over it. But, If it creates more work than doing the task manually, I can't be bothered.
One example in our house is the dishwasher. I will pack every dirty kitchen item from the can opener to the giant stock pot into it. If there is a dishwasher available, I don't do dishes by hand. I hate doing dishes. Andrew thinks that's silly. He'll wash all the pans by hand because they just take up too much space in the dishwasher, whereas if I have to run the dishwasher twice in one day, I'm totally cool with that.
Oh well, if it makes you happy, sweetheart, use your Moulinex everyday if you like. But If I'm doing the clean up, it's going into the dishwasher.
SO...heres my deal, whereas freshly grated cheese tastes better, sometimes its ok to buy it already grated...in a bag. and i wouldnt have a dishwasher in the house if someone gave me one...actually did have one at debs and we never used it...i happen to love doing dishes. also its pretty costly to run...anyway,ill bet that grater thing is pretty cool, but im pretty sure you can also grate cheese with the new food processor i got you for xmas...im just sayin...
I think you're cruisin' for a bruisin', lol.
haha, now THATS a 70's phrase if ive ever heard one! hey kyle have you got any dishes to do?
actually, the more i look it over, the more interesting it looks...hmmm, it plugs in and you dont need battteries...hmmm, do you think hed sell it to me? :-)
OMG ... this is like me and Scott. Especially since he works at a store that specializes in housewares. I've finally made him agree that for every item he brings home, he has to throw one out - our kitchen is too small!! We do have some purty dishes and linens and things ...
I am fiscally responsbile and believe in not being lazy...so wash dishes. AND if there is a tool that is easier to grate cheese than 150 back and forth motions (WHILE Scott spills cheese all over the counter) then I'm all for it!
OH but Matt that's where's it's very different. Scott doesn't get rid of ANYTHING. I have to take shit to Goodwill while he's at work. Then I make him GUESS what's missing. He never does!
Andrew, I could do the same to Scott (umm, my Scott). I don't think he'd ever notice what was missing ...
Is THAT where all my shit keeps going??
Hahaha! You guys crack me up! All of you! The thing is you see this as another day in the life of.... while I see this as, how lucky these guys are. I so want to someday be in a loving relationship where I get to joke about hiding things on a boyfriend who buys too many gagets! Someday I hope.
scott,you should just keep better track of your shit! maybe you should take an inventory or something. ha
I have to say it does look like a lot of work to me, to get the job done. I agree with Andrew about the dishes. I hand wash all the pans and everything else gets the dishwasher.
That looks like my mother's old meat grinder. I hate box graters because I always end up taking part of my knuckle off when I use it. A grating wheel on a food processor works well though.
I'm with you on this. I like the plain ole fashioned hand grater myself. clean up is so much easier.
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