Thanks to Todd from Postcardsfromhell'skitchen for the idea...
Our fridge door contains mostly souvenir magnets from trips we've taken along with a calendar and a pad for grocery lists and a pen. (biggie-size to see where we've been)
So...what's on YOUR fridge?
So...what's on YOUR fridge?
You can barely see our refrigerator through all the stuff on it. I should do this too. :)
A few 50's housewife magnets, a few pictures, some drawings, magnetic letters and numbers, groceries-to-remember pad ... Good idea, this ... I think I'll do it, too. :)
Well to be honest and I guess there is going to be a bad pun in here somewhere, but I'm really anal about things not being stuck on my fridge. Other than a box of tissues on top, there is nothing on my fridge.
Hmmm.... sadly, in the UK we don't tend to have fridges the size of wardrobes. Ours also has a wooden door on it so magnets won't stay on. So. In answer to "what's on your fridge?" I suppose I can only answer "a door".
I feel like I'm missing out.
p.s. enjoying the Hammer Head Shark immensely!!
Darth, Darth, Darth...
You've disappointed me.
You, of all people, should have noticed and appreciated the fact that it's a "hammerED" head shark. It's a calendar dedicated to we alcoholics in the bunch.
Sorry - I was so plastered my eyes couldn't focus on the minor details!! :¬)
Where's my credits...?
I used to have my fridge covered top to bottom, bit these days I only have a few favorites.
I'll have to post my fridge photo too
I didn't know we had a fridge.
im clapping for you,andrew.
Nothing on the front, but magnets on the side with appointments.
I had several magnets on the front of my fridge before I moved. Now I don't have anything on it.
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