She's 12 years old, but still very small. A black Asian who has lived in Florida her entire life, soon moving in with us in Iowa.
Seriously, have you ever seen anything more cute? As most of my readers will remember, I used to have one just like her. Mine was red and a 1994. I still regret the day I sold it.
You can just imagine my shock when Andrew instant messaged me at work a few days ago and told me that he bought it and that he had to fly to Florida to pick it up next week. It's a 22 hour drive to West Palm Beach, Florida to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He has his one way ticket purchased and has to leave home Thursday morning the 19th at 3:30am to catch his flight. As soon as he gets to West Palm Beach, the dealership will pick him up, finalize paperwork and he'll be on the road back to Iowa. This is where the problem lies. I don't really like the idea of him driving by himself for 9 or 10 hours after having been up since 3:00am. I would go with him so we could split the driving, but I have no additional vacation time from work with our trip to Seattle coming up in August and we already have too many people off this week anyway. So, it looks like he'll be making the trip himself. He already checked into having the car shipped here, but that turned out to be cost prohibitive. It's less than half to fly there and drive it back.
So, now the discussions of the "baby's" room have begun. The garage is only big enough for two cars so this one will have to sleep outside. We have discussed adding an additional concrete parking space next to the driveway on one side. Of course we'll need to shop for some nice, warm P.J.'s so she won't get too cold during those typical Iowa winter nights.
I'm thinking the damaged goods should sleep OUTSIDE!
Maybe YOU should sleep outside.
You always say WE..now you're changing to YOU huh? :)
i say the jetta should stay outside or maybe take turns, either way the "new" one should stay inside, just so you all know, black fades in the sun...
you know, no one asked me if id like to go and help drive back, i have a ton of vacation to use.
pretty hard to take vacation with 6 days notice...
ooooh dont underestimate the power of sue, lately with all my legal appointments made at the very last minute (at THEIR leisure)ive re-arranged my schedule in less than 3 days notice.and 2 days outta town does not a vacation make, haha...youll do fine, i just hope it has a top in case of rain.
really ??adopting? babys room?pjs for her? who sounds like a little kid? and how do you know its a she?i couldnt help myself...:-)
Gorgeous!! Congratualtions :)
Damn! I'm off for weeks! Pick me! One of the more innovative designs for wind control, too. Jetta out.
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