Saturday, July 07, 2007


I sat with my mouth open in disbelief as I watched this video. These people are actually laughing about not being able to remember the simplest details of the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. Even worse...the video is labeled "funny answers to 9/11 questions".

What ever happened to "we will never forget"????

Where were you at about 9am EST on September 11th 2001? How could anyone forget?

I was in Omaha, Nebraska on business. I had just stepped out of the shower and was getting ready to leave for my first meeting of the day when my cell phone rang. It was my now, ex-partner calling me from home and telling me to turn on the TV. I sat down on the bed watching in disbelief just as the second plane hit the WTC. The rest of that day was so surreal to me. I went to a couple of meetings I had scheduled for that day but as soon as I saw Air force One fly over my head, escorted by fighter jets, then heard the news that the president was landing at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, I headed for home. Would you have wanted to be anywhere near the leader of the free world, a likely target, when all of this was taking place?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how could one NOT remember what you were doing that morning? i had just gotten the kids on the bus and had come home to have breakfast before staring my day at tgt. so yeah, i was making toast and listening and watching katie couric on the today show, then i went to work and we watched it all day there...still sad, and still nothing to laugh about.i still tear up when i hear alan jackson sing "REMEMBER WHEN?"but thats just me.

2:33 PM, July 07, 2007  
Blogger Matt said...

That's very sad. I hate videos like that. Not funny at all.

I was on the bus to work, and when I got downtown there was security all over the place as I walked by the Federal Office Building. I didn't know what had happened until I got to my desk and Scott called me. People were walking around like zombies all day.

I remember how weird it was that there were no planes flying (we live right under the landing path to the Seattle airport). It was just silent.

3:41 PM, July 07, 2007  
Blogger Tom said...

The video isn't funny at all.

I was at work on that day and just happen to be listening to the radio when the news of the first tower being hit came across. I remember the expressions of disbelief and fear on people’s faces as the second tower was hit. For me it was a day unlike most that you could feel that things in the world (U.S.) had changed and would be different from what you had always known. I’m sure it was like what some people have told me they felt like when President Kennedy was shot. A loss of innocence.

9:27 AM, July 08, 2007  
Blogger Mike said...

I was doing my normal thing at work - turned on the lights, turned on the radio, started the coffee and was in the middle of booting up the computers when I heard the announcement come across the radio...

11:00 AM, July 10, 2007  

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