What are my plans for my 3-day weekend?
Certainly NOT what the photo above would have you believe...
Folding all of the laundry that Andrew did over the past week.
Blog a little.
Clean the house.
Cut the grass.
Power wash the siding on the house.
Blog a little.
Spend time with my kids.
Plant flowers in a couple more outdoor planters.
Blog a little.
Grocery shopping.
Get all of my bills paid.
Blog a little.
Come up with a fabulous menu idea for dinner Sunday evening.
Oh, and blog a little.
Don't tell me what you all are planning for your weekend. It will just make me jealous. Although, Andrew and I and a couple of friends are planning a weekend in Chicago for "A taste of Chicago" festival at the end of June. The hotel room is booked and my tummy is getting really excited about it!
OMG! I LOVE the spell-check addition that Blogger.com added! Finally!
I know you didn't want people to comment about their weekend plans ... but mine are similar to yours:
Cut the grass (it's been THREE WEEKS since I had a day off nice enough to do that!!!)
Clean the house
Blog blog blog
Grocery shopping
That's it. Scott's working all three days, and I'm exhausted. I'll be lucky if I even get all that done.
Thanks Matt. Now I don't feel so bad about staying home during a holiday weekend and just doing "house stuff".
Good luck with your list!
Hey Scott-just read thru moreof your blog...its a fun read. I used to live in Chicago, and I liked it there too. If you liked visiting there, you guys should make a trip to Palm Springs sometime. Its very "friendly". I think we outnumber them...or close anyway.
Hope you are enjoying your Mem Day Weekend. Wanna trade links?
you've tagged me but I don't have the faintest idea how to link to other people's blogs. Now you've tagged me you're gonna have coach me thru it.
I'm helpless, I'm needy and a little bit scared....
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