Friday, April 13, 2007


Ok, so as a sequel to my last post...

The reason I was a little offended by my car being the number 1 gay guy car (according to The Car Guys on NPR) probably had something to do with the fact that I always get crap from Andrew about my car being so "gay". I don't know why he thinks that but apparently other people think it too. It all started when I first met him. I drove the car you see pictured above- a '94 red Honda Civic Del Sol. I put up with relentless teasing from him about my "chick" car. I admit, it was a rather gay looking car for a guy to be driving, but oh, what fun that car was! I am so sorry that I ever got rid of it, but times were a little tougher then and it was the right thing to do. In my defense, however, at the same time I had the Del Sol, my second car was a black Jeep Grand Cherokee. Now you don't get a lot more masculine that THAT.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats the sweetest car EVER!!!I wished i would have gotten a ride in it.i just dont see why they think the jetta is gay?!

3:52 PM, April 14, 2007  
Blogger john said...

Why is it gay? I don't understand? It looks pretty cool.
I know that my straight friends (I don't have any gay ones except in blogland and we usually don't discuss cars) have often said things like "that car is for chicks", but even my most arrogant/bigoted friend has never said "that's a gay car".

7:06 PM, April 15, 2007  
Blogger Darth Gateau said...

hello. Here in the UK we'd call your little red car a 'hairdresser's car', rather than a 'gay car'. Anything small, perky and nippy with the potential for removing the roof is something that lady hairdressers always seem to go for here...

3:16 AM, April 17, 2007  
Blogger madhousesix said...

i always wanted a del sol. must be the gay gene. the car looked fun as shit to drive tho'

11:47 AM, April 21, 2007  

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