So, why am I not overwhelmed with happiness?
The old house had it's issues. Low water pressure, a roof that was ready to need replacement, electrical outlets that were not grounded and needed to be updated and it was built in 1958 and was showing it's age.
Since moving into it in 2005, Andrew and I had done a ton of work and updating to it. A new kitchen, new kitchen and dining room flooring, new paint and wallpaper inside, landscaping outside, new water heater, new water softener, upstairs bathroom update and new doors and windows. When we left it was ten times the house we moved into and I think that is precisely why it felt like "home" to me. I have some sort of need to put something into my home. I don't just mean my possessions. What I've come to realize, is that in order for me to feel like I'm "home" I need to put some of me into my home. I think what that boils down to is good, old fashioned sweat and blood. I certainly put enough of both of those into the old house.
You see, I am a firm believer in a house having a "soul". Some of you will know exactly what I mean and others will click to the next blog at this point. For those of you remaining, I have lived in new houses as well as old ones. My first house was built in 1927 and had more charm in it's coat closet than you'll find in any new home built today. That house had a soul I could feel the very day I moved in. It had a history before me that it's walls knew all about. I lived there for eight years and over that period of time it's walls revealed a few pieces of that history to me. Like the day I discovered faint writing in pencil on the walls of the garage attic. Apparently, in the 1940's the family that lived there had a couple of teenage sons who kept a billiards table in the upstairs attic of the garage. The faint pencil markings were the scores recorded by date of their games with friends. I remember most of those dates were from 1942 and 1943. Another secret that those walls revealed was discovered when I tore out the walls when remodeling the upstairs bathroom. Hidden behind the 75 year old lath and plaster was a wooden box with "Barnette's Appliance Store" stenciled on the side. After doing some research, I located old records that showed the first owners of that home were the Barnette's who had owned a local appliance store. The box was apparently the crate that a fixture or something had been unpacked from and thrown inside that wall before it was closed up and plastered. I think that will always remain my favorite house because of the soul it had right from the start.
My next home was one that I built brand new in 1998. I remember thinking that as soon as I moved in I wouldn't have to do anything except enjoy my new surroundings in a big, brand new house. Well, that thought was proven wrong on move in day. All white walls and no window coverings. I had my work cut out for me already. But after several months of curtain and blind installation, painting, wallpapering and landscaping, it was already feeling like home. I had put some of "me" into it.
After that I moved to a few other houses where I did various other construction projects or remodeling that made them "my home" and they all revealed a different, but special feeling to me while living in them that I refer to as soul.
Here I sit in this house now. White walls. New carpet with no stains yet. not a scratch in the mouldings. That "new house smell". Everything works perfectly, as it should. The dog seems content. We've been here about six weeks now and things are in place for the most part. We've spent the past two weeks getting things hung on the walls and Home Depot finally got the new blinds installed on the windows a couple of days ago.
I'm sure in time we'll put some manual labor into painting to warm the place up and I will begin to inject some "soul" into this place. Until then, all I've done is hit my thumb with the hammer while pounding a nail into the wall to hang a picture. Maybe that's a start.
I so understand what you mean. Part of me wants a perfect, brand-new scratchless house. But I wouldn't be happy there.
I actually love the fact that the back door is scratched and dirty from the dogs wanting to come in, that the cats have scratched and chewed at the corner of the wall at the top of the stairs, that there are a few loose linoleum tiles in the kitchen so that when I roll the dishwasher back into place, I have to step on that one tile to keep it in the right spot. That the bathroom outlet has a blank cover over it now because we couldn't figure out what was wrong with the wiring. That the front porch rail has a gouge in it from the time the window air-conditioner unit committed suicide. (Long story).
You'll get there. Put little pencil marks in the wall to mark Bailey's (or Andrew's or your) growth. Keep the Christmas tree(s) up long enough to leave a permanent indentation in the carpet. Plant that cool shrub in the yard that you totally love (if you're allowed!).
Best wishes to you in your new house. I completely understand what you are saying, and I know that before long this new house will be your "home." Congratulations!
As Matt said, thoses memories and that soul have to start somewhere. Make sure you leave enough soul in the house for the next occupants to find and enjoy!
Hey, I know what your saying. Some places take more time to make it feel like your own. For now, just sit back and enjoy.
So totally true. "Home is where the Heart is" rings true for me. Funny, whenever I've moved into a new place, sometimes I start putting non-essentials in place first, only because I need to brand the place as part of me.
yeh I get ya. My favorite house I ever had was built in 1914, it creaked and even maybe had ghost (really, I think it did) but I loved every square inch of that thing and miss it terribly. One of the "babies" that went out with the bathwater when I got divorced and started over. Maybe someday I'll find a beau and a "new" old house to love. Could be! :)
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